– Recruitment and Placement
– Training and Development
– Performance Management and Career Planning
– Pricing
– Motivation
- Management systems
- Social responsibility
In our company, recruitment needs are met by evaluating approved budgets or current demands in line with annual business plans. General principles include providing employment primarily from within-group sources and then using external sources.
How can candidates tell us?can you ask?
Our companyof We announce the personnel needs that arise within our company through our own web portal or by posting advertisements on various recruitment sites. Applications can be made at Turalı Group, Human Resources or info@turaligroup.com.
Performance Management System
Performance Management System is a tool that enables us to define our current situation and identify our development areas in order to improve our individual, team and company performance. By applying "Competency Based Performance Management System" and "Balanced Score Card" in our company, future development and improvement plans are made along with the determination of personal potentials, past performances are evaluated and they provide input for relevant guidance.
Education Management System
Training Planning: Our training activities receive output from 3 main sources; Training Needs Analysis, Performance Management System Outputs and Extra-Budgetary Requests arising during the year. After all our resources are evaluated, an annual training plan and training catalog are prepared and announced to all employees through the Human Resources System.
Orientation: First of all, new employees are shown our company's promotional film and general presentations are made about our company. These colleagues are then given detailed information about the department and company they will work in, through more comprehensive training and presentations.
Department/Internal Technical Training: These are the trainings we provide for both new and existing employees within the framework of the activities and job descriptions of other departments.
Professional company trainings: These are budgeted personal development and vocational technical trainings that we have determined in line with the competencies of our employees and the work they do. It is organized by our Human Resources department.
Wage Management System
The aim of our Turalı Group wage management system is to adapt the total income of our employees to the requirements of current working life and the common benefits of the country, workplace and our employees. In addition, a method is used to motivate our employees by separating and rewarding performance.
Social activities
All our employees can benefit from the social opportunities offered by Turalı Group to its employees. It organizes football, bowling and table tennis tournaments, annual picnics and sharing meetings for all our employees. We have social committees for many different activities.